Thursday, June 3, 2010

...little girls should not have that much fake hair...

Tonight, after over a year of hearing about the infamous Madison/Tootie combo girl, I finally witnessed this child's insanity.

Yes world, I intended to watch a re-run of Toddlers and Tiaras tonight, and lo-and-behold, Madison Berg, who affectionately refers to herself as Tootie while in "pageant mode," was on. My initial excitement of finally seeing this girl was soon replaced by utter astonishment. Who on Earth lets their daughter refer to herself as two separate personalities, let alone in the third person? Obviously the same woman her refers to herself as "Tootie's slave." Yes slave, airbrush tan the heck out of your daughter so she appropriately looks the part of the psychedelic native American that she dressed as for the first portion of the pageant. Oh, and did I mention? Her adorable Tootie, while dressed as tye-dyed Pocahontas, attempted break dancing? I feel as if break dancing would be more up Madison's alley, seeing as she was not in heels. At least, I was unaware that it was possible to wear pumps and break dance.

Now, Madison/Tootie is a very pretty 10 year old, but after the dramatic make up, she looks 27. How her father is ok with this, I have yet to figure out. Perhaps that is why he doesn't go to the pageants; that and she's just not very pleasant.

She won some type of crown, apparently it was not the best one, and she was not happy. Of course, I understand that when you compete, you strive for the best... but come on, you can't win them all MADISON. I'm super sorry a 4 year old beat you out of a puppy.

That is it.

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