Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BoringBits: The Uninteresting Happenings Of My Life

Last night, actually it was Sunday night, but last night I made a decree that I would change the name of my blog because I'm super boring and nothing interesting happens. Ryan kept telling me "that's not true!" But I know the truth, I KNOW THE TRUTH! Also, the more I went on and on about changing the name, the funnier the conversation got. I'd repeat it hear, but alas, I am so boring that I can not even remember what I say.

In other news, I have officially completed my class, Interviewing, after turning in an 18 page assignment. (Do you understand why these posts have sometimes been few and far between?) I have one paper left and I will be done with Feature Writing. Wooooooooooo. That was an enthusiastic wooooooooo for anyone wondering.

Now, this is completely off the topic of classes, but.... I legitimately just lost my train of thought while spying on my puppy. After looking around the table I'm sitting at, I have been unable to trigger whatever thought it was I was meaning to post. Oh well... we currently have free HBO so I guess that makes up for it?

I have a test in the morning. Pray your crazy little heads off... please.

Also, the plants are still growing... odd, I know. AAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the frog thing still lives there. I watered the frog yesterday and he was not happy. I smiled.

Oh yes, now I remember what I meant to write in the aforementioned paragraph... and there was nothing on the table that could trigger this. Here it goes:

I am a supporter of children on leashes and harnesses. When people ask me what helped me develop that opinion, I say, "Look at Alyssa (www.alyinohio.blogspot.com). She turned out fine, for the most part." Also, I think if you have three children and you let them run around the parking lot at walmart, then you are irresponsible. Harness your children, bippity boppity!

I also hate when people put [insider] after an apparent inside joke on their facebook status. BTW, aren't all jokes inside jokes. Obviously, not everyone is going to know said joke, and isn't an inside joke just a joke shared between certain select people? Perhaps I will start a movement to ban that phrase. Also, sometimes I would like the "This is a taco-burrito conversation... nachos! (not yours)" saying to be banned. Not all the time, but definitely sometimes. Basically, when I am not using it, it should be illegal to use.

That is all. I think.

PS- I did really well with the spell check this week!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is dedicated to Camden

1. Eileen Farineau, when little Lightbulb Foot is able to understand, tell him of the day crazy Brittany dedicated a blog post to him.

2. Eileen Farineau, I miss walking around campus and spilling anything edible I might have onto my clothing.

3. Eileen Farineau, I miss seeing you and realizing we accidentally matched.... for the 5,000th time.

4. Eileen Farineau, I miss the privilege of hanging out with you.

5. Eileen Farineau, I still think the wallet incident at walmart was super funny.

In other news... other than Eileen Farineau, I met this really really nice woman today. I interviewed her for my interviewing class; she's a school counselor and it was my job to find out more about the job and how it affects her and etc. I basically came out of it with a new contact and someone willing to help me out along my journey to complete and utter graduation.

I also ate pad thai for lunch. Yum.

Jose and Kent are safe for another week... and I ♥ Remote Control! SYTYCD!!!

Possibly my favorite vidoes... ever.

I like this one... because I love the whole world; it's such a brilliant place. =]

Discovery Channel is at the top of my list, right next to History Channel and Comedy Central. I'm not going to lie, I was legitimately heartbroken when Phil died.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, I don't care if Man vs. Wild is staged... I'll watch Bear Grylls all day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Lord, please make my planner disappear!

Well, actually, I would be happy with the assignments inside of my planner randomly running away. I have FIVE papers due this week. FIVE.

I also have multiple quizzes, and an exam.


I've been watching TV Guide channel for the better part of an hour. Part of me wishes this channel did not exist. Then I would watch normal programming.

Goodbye. I've got plans in the near future.

I miss Weimer!

The title is legitimate this time. I miss a lot of my best friends. Most of mine aren't home this summer. Weimer is in Ohio (see: http://alyinohio.blogspot.com/), and Molly and Katy are living it up taking summer courses in Hattiesburg. Al is home, but she works all day. Thank goodness for Ryan!

However, I did spend a good portion of my afternoon/early evening with Al. It's so nice to be able to just sit and talk with a best friend I never see. We spent the better part of 15 minutes deciding which air freshener to put in my car. It was a difficult decision, believe me.

OH, Weimer... Al and I both agree that it is simply impossible for us to refer to you as Aly. You are Alyssa... to us anyways. Besides, I like having to say "Molly, Katy, Alyssa and Alyssa." It's just fun. [I speak specifically to Weimer because she legitimately follows my blog... like, she pops up under followers. You should do it too. Maybe you'll get a shout out. How cool would that be? Oh, you know it would be very cool. Indeed.]

I made homemade mac and cheese. I hate mac and cheese but apparently I'm awesome at cooking it. I also made Ritz chicken. Yum. You're jealous now, and depending upon the time you are reading this, it could be completely inappropriate for you to be hungry. That is sad, but not my problem.

Tomorrow is Daddy Day. I'm going to a movie and dinner with my parents. I can't wait to see what my sister wrote in our card. She always signs, "I love you more than Brittany." So, this time I added at the end of mine, "Don't believe everything Courtney writes." I think justice has been sufficiently served.

I think I'm going bowling too. Perhaps I'll wear a dress and pretend I live in the 50s. I like to pretend that a lot.

JBrew and Sarah are coming to visit me in July for my birthday. I miss them too, so my excitement is overwhelmingly annoying. I also miss Kim, but I'm calling her in a day to torture her. Lame face doesn't have internet and therefore must subject herself to long periods without ridiculous facebook posts from me. That's right Kim, [if you're reading] you are now "Lame face." Embrace it.

Oh, I'm considering adding another person to my sassy gay posse. Those interested should apply. We'll make it a competition like that Pussy Cat Dolls show... or that Paris Hilton show, only I am not crazy.

The plants are confusing me. I think they're in their troubled teen years. They are so stubborn!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I prefer tin grin

Thank you Hulu for the Facts of Life. And thank you to my parents for letting me enjoy the original nick at night... complete with Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, The Munsters, The Facts of Life, etc.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Let's Go to the Winchester!

The day I learned Michael Jordan is kind of a douche destroyed my world. I was completely ready for Space Jam to actually happen. I don't know who the Looney Tunes expect to save them now. It's sad.

Update on my plants: I have no idea what stage they are in. However, they have these orange-y flower things all over the place. Good.... right?

I still want to be an extra in a zombie flick. Imagine how amazing that would be. I'd get to spend time with crazy make up on acting ridiculous for hours. How fun! Plus, I've been working on my "glazed" face. I would rock at looking uninterested in anything but blood and brains.

There is something hilariously disturbing about the Docker's commercial. It's like a parade of Zack Galifanakis look-alikes/wannabes. Btw, yesterday as my father was flipping the channels on the telly, we came across a show of grown men singing songs from the Spice Girls repertoire. Just imagine it. They were committing too.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'll run out there with mace and a fly swatter!

I hope you've noticed that my titles don't always have anything to do with my posts. The phrasing in that sentence is awkward. I apologize. I haven't slept yet.

The next week and a half is going to be a blur in regards to school work. Where did the first two weeks go? All we did was read or something... I think. I can't even remember. Luckily, this should be my last summer of smushing a million classes into a month. Granted, it was my only summer of smushing a million classes into a month.

The dell laptop commercial makes me really mad because they say cherry pie. It is apple pie, just ask the Chordettes. I love them. I also love the Marcels. I also love the song Earth Angel. I just really like Motown... and blues. I'm on a bit of a blues kick right now. Well, in all actuality, I've always liked that bluesy-jazzy sound.

I have Back to the Future III dvr-ed on my tv. It's my favorite. Maybe I'll watch it today, that would be fun. But wait, I have to do more homework. Hmmm, maybe I'll do both. I probably should sleep at some point though.

Sometimes I rock at buzztime trivia. Sometimes, not so much.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

That's a holiday!? I was just thirsty!

Happy Iced Tea day to everyone. My reliable source, Kim, text me to wish me a happy one while I was sipping on sweet tea; how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

So it has been a legitimate week since I last post. Let me explain why. I'm taking three classes in the course of a month. Three writing classes in the course of a month. There, that's your explanation. If you are not currently satisfied with my justification, then you can come help me with my homework.

My latest homework assignment was a 4-page story on Silly Bandz and college age-ish kids. How fun, right? I laughed a lot while writing the story. I'm really not sure why. Maybe because everyone I talked to made sure to tell me their favorite, and I didn't ask for a favorite. I confess that I do own one, and that's my little blue long neck dino that Weimer gave me. I named him Little Foot and I wear him often because I like dinos and Weimer is my best friend. I've told my mom on many occasions that Little Foot is mad at her for cutting down the tree star tree (Sweet Gum tree) after Katrina. Little Foot isn't really mad about it, I am, but apparently the thing could have fallen on our house had another storm hit... oh well.

I watched Extract last night. There was definite room for improvement in that screenplay.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

All I have to say is...


That being said, I'm sure most people have no idea what I'm referring to, and in the words of my father, "That's horse pucky!"

...little girls should not have that much fake hair...

Tonight, after over a year of hearing about the infamous Madison/Tootie combo girl, I finally witnessed this child's insanity.

Yes world, I intended to watch a re-run of Toddlers and Tiaras tonight, and lo-and-behold, Madison Berg, who affectionately refers to herself as Tootie while in "pageant mode," was on. My initial excitement of finally seeing this girl was soon replaced by utter astonishment. Who on Earth lets their daughter refer to herself as two separate personalities, let alone in the third person? Obviously the same woman her refers to herself as "Tootie's slave." Yes slave, airbrush tan the heck out of your daughter so she appropriately looks the part of the psychedelic native American that she dressed as for the first portion of the pageant. Oh, and did I mention? Her adorable Tootie, while dressed as tye-dyed Pocahontas, attempted break dancing? I feel as if break dancing would be more up Madison's alley, seeing as she was not in heels. At least, I was unaware that it was possible to wear pumps and break dance.

Now, Madison/Tootie is a very pretty 10 year old, but after the dramatic make up, she looks 27. How her father is ok with this, I have yet to figure out. Perhaps that is why he doesn't go to the pageants; that and she's just not very pleasant.

She won some type of crown, apparently it was not the best one, and she was not happy. Of course, I understand that when you compete, you strive for the best... but come on, you can't win them all MADISON. I'm super sorry a 4 year old beat you out of a puppy.

That is it.