Sunday, June 20, 2010

I miss Weimer!

The title is legitimate this time. I miss a lot of my best friends. Most of mine aren't home this summer. Weimer is in Ohio (see:, and Molly and Katy are living it up taking summer courses in Hattiesburg. Al is home, but she works all day. Thank goodness for Ryan!

However, I did spend a good portion of my afternoon/early evening with Al. It's so nice to be able to just sit and talk with a best friend I never see. We spent the better part of 15 minutes deciding which air freshener to put in my car. It was a difficult decision, believe me.

OH, Weimer... Al and I both agree that it is simply impossible for us to refer to you as Aly. You are Alyssa... to us anyways. Besides, I like having to say "Molly, Katy, Alyssa and Alyssa." It's just fun. [I speak specifically to Weimer because she legitimately follows my blog... like, she pops up under followers. You should do it too. Maybe you'll get a shout out. How cool would that be? Oh, you know it would be very cool. Indeed.]

I made homemade mac and cheese. I hate mac and cheese but apparently I'm awesome at cooking it. I also made Ritz chicken. Yum. You're jealous now, and depending upon the time you are reading this, it could be completely inappropriate for you to be hungry. That is sad, but not my problem.

Tomorrow is Daddy Day. I'm going to a movie and dinner with my parents. I can't wait to see what my sister wrote in our card. She always signs, "I love you more than Brittany." So, this time I added at the end of mine, "Don't believe everything Courtney writes." I think justice has been sufficiently served.

I think I'm going bowling too. Perhaps I'll wear a dress and pretend I live in the 50s. I like to pretend that a lot.

JBrew and Sarah are coming to visit me in July for my birthday. I miss them too, so my excitement is overwhelmingly annoying. I also miss Kim, but I'm calling her in a day to torture her. Lame face doesn't have internet and therefore must subject herself to long periods without ridiculous facebook posts from me. That's right Kim, [if you're reading] you are now "Lame face." Embrace it.

Oh, I'm considering adding another person to my sassy gay posse. Those interested should apply. We'll make it a competition like that Pussy Cat Dolls show... or that Paris Hilton show, only I am not crazy.

The plants are confusing me. I think they're in their troubled teen years. They are so stubborn!


  1. Oh B.Steer! I miss you too, and I can't wait to see you either!!! love jbrew

  2. This is wonderful! I miss you tons! COME VISIT ME!

  3. Yesterday was a blast! -Al
