Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'll run out there with mace and a fly swatter!

I hope you've noticed that my titles don't always have anything to do with my posts. The phrasing in that sentence is awkward. I apologize. I haven't slept yet.

The next week and a half is going to be a blur in regards to school work. Where did the first two weeks go? All we did was read or something... I think. I can't even remember. Luckily, this should be my last summer of smushing a million classes into a month. Granted, it was my only summer of smushing a million classes into a month.

The dell laptop commercial makes me really mad because they say cherry pie. It is apple pie, just ask the Chordettes. I love them. I also love the Marcels. I also love the song Earth Angel. I just really like Motown... and blues. I'm on a bit of a blues kick right now. Well, in all actuality, I've always liked that bluesy-jazzy sound.

I have Back to the Future III dvr-ed on my tv. It's my favorite. Maybe I'll watch it today, that would be fun. But wait, I have to do more homework. Hmmm, maybe I'll do both. I probably should sleep at some point though.

Sometimes I rock at buzztime trivia. Sometimes, not so much.

1 comment:

  1. I am now convinced that you have lost your mind, not that I wasn't pretty sure before this, but not I'm absolutely certain.
