Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Miss Steer! Miss Steer!

Somehow, I was able to wake up early and get to my mother's school by 8 a.m. Please don't ask how this was done, I truly believe it was magic. The morning of proctoring began with free donuts and juice as well as an escort by an eighth grader to my room. These kids were crazy; one girl had two Red Bulls for breakfast at the recommendation of her mother. Once they realized that I was in fact related to Mrs. Steer, their computer discovery teacher, the questions started rolling. My favorite one was, "You're the one in college right? You're not in high school, right? Mrs. Steer said her daughter in high school gets in trouble all the time!" Of course, I replied "Oh yes, I'm the good one!"

The kids finished their tests relatively quickly, and it was quite interesting to see what they had to read. Some were reading the childish works of Stephen King and Mark Twain. Another was reading the literary masterpiece The Ultimate Zombie Survival Guide.

In other news, my dad owes me a quarter and I have created some summer goals.

  1. Learn to properly whistle.
  2. Once 1. is mastered, learn to whistle the Andy Griffith Theme song.
  3. Take more and longer walks.
  4. Continue to win quarters in bets against against my dad.


  1. The magic is a true fact, and these are the best goals I've seen yet.

  2. B. Steer this is absolutely perfect haha totally just made my life
