Saturday, May 22, 2010

Can not access??


Today I was temporarily employed by Chester Harvey Realtors. My job: accompany them to Mr. Greek to eat lunch. Yes, that was indeed my job!

Tonight I was able to spend the evening with 'the gang' which is short for: Alyssa, Alyssa, Molly, and Katy. We ate lots of food and were exceptionally silly. Katy made some people say, "I hope our child never acts like that" in their heads, even though their child was throwing a temper tantrum and they thought it was adorable. I feel as if their heads are on backwards, seeing as Katy only threw her purse onto the booth.

On the way home we were suddenly stopped at a closed road sign. I took the Honda off-roading and successfully turned us around, although we were all convinced we were going to get stuck in the mud.

Also.... I got the five of us lost in Gulf Hills. For those not from Ocean Springs, Gulf Hills is not Gulf Shores, it is a golf-course community. And, the only reason I went down there was to find the Elvis house. Unfortunately, I don't know the street names and since it was dark we got turned around in all directions and then my garmin couldn't access the satellites. Sad day... for Weimer. She was terrified because we chose to turn by the cones and follow a man pulling a boat, but low and behold, he led us back to civilization (even though we were in civilization.) I also might have driven on the golf course at one point, but that is not relevant except in the aspect that Alyssa thought zombie cops (or something of that nature) was going to get us.